Kent Bee Campaign

Young Animators Club: Kent Bee Campaign

In January 2019 Young Animators Club members held a campaign event at the Quarterhouse theatre in Folkestone.

The group of 30 young people aged 8 - 19 years old had been working on an animated film to raise awareness of the plight of Kent Bees and to promote the Kent Pollinator Action Plan. The Action Plan, if implemented in Kent, will help protect our Bees by encouraging the council, businesses, farmers and individuals to plant pollinator friendly habitats throughout the county.


Sponsored by...

Many thanks to...

... for kindly donating a very generous amount of Bee-friendly seeds for us to give away at our campaign event.

Many thanks to...

The Littlebourne Buckfast Bees for our delicious Young Animators Club branded honey!

Professional support 

Our members had support for a talented team of professional Illustrators, Animators, Musicians and Graphic Designers to over six workshops. The young people didn't only make the film but also designed logos and printed beautiful seed envelopes.



Our Campaign Event

We had over 200 visitors to the campaign event! Thanks to our lovely friends at Folkestone Garden Centre, we were about to give away thousands of pollinator-friendly seeds to our visitors to help get them working for our bees.



KM Folkestone & Hythe Express, Wednesday October 31 2018

Saturday Club members work with Cllr Martin Whybrow...

Our Young Animators meet with Cllr Martin Whybrow for tips and advice for their campaign to reverse the decline of pollinators along the Kent coastline. The team produced animated films to help spread the word to communities, businesses and councils to protect and create pollinator-friendly habitats, managing council-owned land and land belonging to local businesses to benefit bees and other pollinators.

These animations support for the 'Pollinator Action Plan' and the films are published on social media platforms and at our campaign event at the Quarterhouse in Folkestone in January 2019. 

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